Graphic Region Development

TIFF Editor

TIFF Editor

TIFF Viewer

New versions:

Advanced Tiff Editor

Adv. Tiff Editor PLUS

Multipage TIFF Viewer

Advanced Multipage TIFF (TIF) Editor
Advanced TIFF Editor Software

 DOWNLOAD free trial File size: 41M  [without Virtual TIFF printer]
 DOWNLOAD free trial File size: 57M  [with Virtual TIFF printer]
 ORDER full version $49 personal, $79 business, $1200 site
Web Online Help
 Features , Screenshots , video tutorial multipage tiff editor Video Tutorials

 History , EULA agreement.

 Awards , Testimonials , Press Release, PAD file

TIFF PDF Image View

  • Image drag and move quick panning
  • Zoom in, out, or to image actual full size
  • Zoom image to fit screen width, height, or either side
  • Zoom filter for an edit modes (annotation, draw, erase).
  • Scrolling (using cursor control keys, scrollbars)
  • Color image antialiasing and smoothing for enhanced zoom viewing
  • Black and white image anti-aliasing for enhanced gray scale viewing
  • Rotate left, right, up-side-down (180°)
  • Rotating of a Selected area.
  • Custom rotating
  • Flip vertically and horizontally
  • Maintain aspect ratio for images with different horizontal and vertical resolutions (Auto Adjust DPI)
  • Negative image
  • Color Management System (CMS)
  • Magnifier
  • Toolbar dragging (to a left, right or top side).
  • Pages list (thumbnails).
  • Files list (thumbnails).
  • Files list operations (save, load).
  • "Next File" and "Previous File" buttons on tool bar.
  • Thumbnail size editing.
  • Image Caching setting.
  • Most Recently Used list.
  • Startup mode selection.
  • Image acquisition from TWAIN scanners and WIA scanners and cameras.
  • Many parameters for work with scanner.

More Information ...


Free DOWNLOAD File size: 41M Without "Virtual TIFF printer" (there is ability to download necessary files during installation)
Free DOWNLOAD File size: 57M With "Virtual TIFF printer"

BUY NOW Advanced TIFF Editor $49 personal, $79 business, $1200 site license

Web Online Help
All Features Screenshots video tutorial multipage tiff editor Video Tutorials History
Awards Testimonials Press Release PAD file
EULA agreement.      

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